Bak mandi bebek yg fenomenal ini akhirnya restock di Etalase Anak. Kenapa bisa fenomenal? Karena nih bak mandi dah ditunggu-tunggu sejak lama & sampai sekarang masih jadi best seller, mungkin karena bentuknya yg lucu + fitur-fiturnya yg unik: paruh bebeknya bisa bunyi kwek-kwek kalo dipencet, ada indikator panas di dasar baknya, ada anti slipnya biar si baby ga tergelincir, cocok buat yg suka travelling, karena bisa dipompa & dikempesin, dll. Deskripsi lengkapnya tentang bak mandi unik ini, monggo dibaca-dibaca di bawah ini ya:
A safe, comfortable, inflatable tub that tells you when the water is too hot and quacks when you squeeze its beak - so you and your child can enjoy the bath time. It's the little things.
Stuff You Should Know:
* Hangs by suction cup to air dry
* Countoured headrest makes hair-washing easy
* Textured non-slip surface keeps baby steady
* Deflates and folds easily - ideal for travel
* For children able to sit upright unassisted up to approximately 24 months
* Whit Hot Safety Disc indicates when water is too hot (approximately 104 F / 40 C degree and above)
O ya, munchkin duck tub edisi sekarang dah langsung dilengkapi repair patchnya ya, size 6cm x 5cm. Jadi, kalo bocor, bisa ditambal pake repair patchnya itu.
Penampakan Kalau Sudah Dipompa
Foto Kemasan
Harga: Rp. 80.000,-
* Harga nett & exclude ongkir
* Kondisi tidak dites & tidak bergaransi
Happy Shopping ^_^
Menikmati Perjuangan
11 years ago
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